Using drones to reduce human disturbance while monitoring breeding status of an endangered raptor

GALLEGO, D. & SARASOLA, J.H. (2021). Using drones to reduce human disturbance while monitoring breeding status of an endangered raptor. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 7(3):550-561. Abstract: In birds, obtaining information related to nest occupancy, offspring...

Nest-site selection and breeding success of two Neotropical flycatchers at micro- and macrohabitat scales in central Argentina.

REBOLLO, M.E., JAHN, A., CEREGHETTI, J., PEREYRA, S. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2020. Nest-site selection and breeding success of two Neotropical flycatchers at micro- and macrohabitat scales in central Argentina. Journal of Arid Environments 177:104121. Abstract: Understanding the...
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Breeding latitude predicts timing but not rate of spring migration in a widespread migratory bird in South America

JAHN, A.E., CEREGHETTI, J., CUETO, V.R., HALLWORTH, M.T., LEVEY, D.J., MARINI, M.A., MASSON, D., PIZO, M.A., SARASOLA, J.H., & TUERO, D.T. 2019. Breeding latitude predicts timing but not rate of spring migration in a widespread migratory bird in South America. Ecology and...

First Record of the Chimango Caracara (Milvago chimango) Using Shrimp as Prey

LÓPEZ-IDIÁQUEZ, D., CANAL, D., CALLEJA, I., FRADE, A., & SARASOLA, J.H. 2019. First Record of the Chimango Caracara (Milvago chimango) Using Shrimp as Prey. Journal of Raptor Research, 53(4), 436-437. Link descarga: » PDF

Urban living predicts behavioural response in a Neotropical raptor

SOLARO, C. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2019. Urban living predicts behavioural response in a Neotropical raptor. Behavioural Processes 169:103995. Abstract: Behaviour is expected to be one of the most important factors driving urban living of bird species because it largely determines how...

Ectoparasites of American Kestrels: should Fleas be Considered?

OROZCO-VALOR, P.M, SANTILLÁN, M.A., LARESCHI, M. & GRANDE, J.M. 2019. Journal of Raptor Research, 53(4), 446-448. Link descarga: >>PDF  
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Parental Care of the Endangered Chaco Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) in Central Argentina

GALMES, M.A., SARASOLA, J.H, GRANDE, J.M. and VARGAS, H.F. 2018. Parental care behavior of the endangered Chaco Eagle Buteogallus coronatus. Journal of Raptor Research 52(3):316-325. Abstract: Sexual differences in parental care investment may affect individual survival or...

Cernícalo. Atlas de las aves nidificantes de Chile

SANTILLÁN, M.A., OROZCO-VALOR, P.M. and LIÉBANA, M.S. Cernícalo. 2018. Atlas de las aves nidificantes de Chile. Medrano, F., R. Barros, R. Matus, H. Norambuena y F. Schmitt. Red de Observadores de Aves de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Chile. 978-956-09039-1- 4.

Birds of prey: biology and conservation in the XXI century

SARASOLA, J.H., GRANDE, J.M. & NEGRO, J.J. (eds). 2018. Birds of prey: biology and conservation in the XXI century. Springer International Publishing, Basel, Switzerland. Abstract: This book will provide the state-of-the-art research on topics involved in the ecology and...

Conservation Status of Neotropical Raptors

SARASOLA, J.H., GRANDE, J.M. & BECHARD, M.J. 2018. Conservation status of Neotropical raptors. In: Birds of prey: biology and conservation in the XXI century (Sarasola, J.H., Grande, J.M. and J.J. Negro, eds.), Pp 373-394. Springer International Publishing, Basel, Switzerland...

Birds of prey in agricultural landscapes: the role of agriculture expansion and intensification

GRANDE, J.M., OROZCO-VALOR, P.M., LIÉBANA, S. and J.H. SARASOLA. 2018. Birds of prey in agricultural landscapes: the role of agriculture expansion and intensification. In: Birds of prey: biology and conservation in the XXI century (Sarasola, J.H., Grande, J.M. and J.J. Negro,...

Nesting of the endangered Chaco Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) in a human-made structure

SARASOLA, J.H. 2018. Nesting of the endangered Chaco Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) in a human-made structure. Journal of Raptor Research 52:108-111. Link descarga: >>PDF

Natal Dispersal and Philopatry of Chimango Caracaras (Milvago chimango) in Suburban, Rural and Natural Habitats, Determined by Band Recovery and Re-Sighting Data

SOLARO, C. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2018. Natal dispersal and philopatry of Chimango Caracaras (Milvago chimango) in suburban, rural and natural habitats, determined by band recovery and re-sighting data. Emu 118:158-165. Abstract: Natal dispersal is a process whereby birds move from...

Parental care behavior of the endangered Crowned Eagle Buteogallus coronatus.

GALMES, M.A., SARASOLA, J.H, GRANDE, J.M. and VARGAS, H.F. 2018. Parental care behavior of the endangered Crowned Eagle Buteogallus coronatus. Journal of Raptor Research (en prensa).

An assessment on the effectiveness of walk-in traps to capture Chimango caracaras (Milvago chimango) in varied environments

SOLARO, C. and SARASOLA, J.H. An assessment on the effectiveness of walk-in traps to capture Chimango caracaras (Milvago chimango) in varied environments. Hornero (en prensa).
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Electrocución de aves en líneas eléctricas: la muerte silenciosa de las grandes rapaces

SARASOLA, J.H. y J.I. ZANON-MARTINEZ. 2017. Electrocución de aves en líneas eléctricas: la muerte silenciosa de las grandes rapaces. En: Informe Ambiental 2017 (Di Pancracio, A., Nápoli, A. y Garro Vidal, M.E., eds.) Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales FARN, Buenos Aires,...

An assessment on the effectiveness of walk-in traps to capture Chimango caracaras (Milvago chimango) in varied environments.

SOLARO, C. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2017. An assessment on the effectiveness of walk-in traps to capture Chimango caracaras (Milvago chimango) in varied environments. Hornero 32 (2): 237-244. Abstract: Many raptor studies require the capture of individuals and selection of the most...

Electrocution risk for the endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle and other birds in semiarid landscapes of central Argentina

GALMES, M.A., SARASOLA, J.H., GRANDE, J.M. and VARGAS, H.F. 2017. Electrocution risk for the endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle and other birds in semiarid landscapes of central Argentina. Bird Conserv International. https://doi. org/10.1017 S. Abstract: High mortality by...

Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) granivory and its role in seed dispersal in semiarid forest of central Argentina

COSTAN, A.S. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2017. Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) granivory and its role in seed dispersal in semiarid forest of central Argentina. Ornitología Neotropical 28:43-50. Abstract: The Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata) is one of the most abundant granivorous birds in...

Molt while breeding? Lessons from New World Tyrannus flycatchers


Electrocución de aves en líneas eléctricas: la muerte silenciosa de las grandes rapaces

SARASOLA, J.H. y J.I. ZANON-MARTINEZ. 2017. Electrocución de aves en líneas eléctricas: la muerte silenciosa de las grandes rapaces. En: Informe Ambiental 2017 (Di Pancracio, A., Nápoli, A. y Garro Vidal, M.E., eds.) Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales FARN, Buenos Aires,...

Population genetics of the endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) in South America

CANAL, D., ROQUES, S., NEGRO, J.J. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2016. Population genetics of the endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) in South America. Conservation Genetics 18: 235-240. Abstract: The Crowned Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) is one of the rarest...

Unusual Concentration of Black-chested Buzzard-Eagles in Central Argentina

LÓPEZ, C.M., GRANDE, J.M. and OROZCO-VALOR, P.M. 2017. Unusual Concentration of Black-chested Buzzard-Eagles in Central Argentina. Journal of Raptor Research, 51:489-491. Link descarga: <<PDF  


Exceptionally Large Clutches in Two Raptors Breeding in Nest Boxes

OROZCO-VALOR, P.M. and GRANDE, J.M. Exceptionally Large Clutches in Two Raptors Breeding in Nest Boxes. 2016. Journal of Raptor Research. 50:232– 236. Link descarga: >>PDF

Aportes a la biología reproductiva del chirigüe azafrán (Sicalis flaveola) en cajas nido en un bosque semiárido del centro de Argentina

Cita: OROZCO-VALOR, P.M., SANTILLÁN, M.A., BRAGAGNOLO, L.A., REBOLLO, M.E., LÓPEZ, F.G and MARTÍNEZ, P.A. 2016. Aportes a la biología reproductiva del chirigüe azafrán (Sicalis flaveola) en cajas nido en un bosque semiárido del centro de Argentina. Revista Chilena de Ornitología....

Demographic variation in timing and intensity of feather molt in migratory Fork-tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus s. savana)

JAHN, A., GIRALDO, J.I., Mc PHERSON, M., TUERO, D., SARASOLA, J.H., CEREGHETTI, J., MASSON, D. 2016. Demographic variation in timing and intensity of feather molt in migratory Fork-tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus s. savana). Journal of Field Ornithology 87:143-154...

A native top predator maintained by exotic preys inside a protected area: the puma and the introduced ungulates

ZANON-MARTINEZ, J.I., SANTILLÁN, M.A., SARASOLA, J.H., TRAVAINI, A. 2016. A native top predator maintained by exotic preys inside a protected area: the puma and the introduced ungulates. Journal of Arid Environments 134:17-20. Abstract: Top predators play an important role to...

Density and activity patterns of pumas in hunted and non-hunted areas in central Argentina

ZANON-MARTINEZ, J.I, KELLY, M., MESA-CRUZ, B., SARASOLA, J.H., DE HART, C. & TRAVAINI, A. 2016. Density and activity patterns of pumas in hunted and non-hunted areas in central Argentina. Wildlife Research. 43: 449-460. Abstract: Hunting has demographic effects on large and...

Hypercarnivorous apex predator could provide ecosystem services by dispersing seeds

SARASOLA, J.H., ZANÓN-MARTÍNEZ, J.I., COSTÁN, A.S. & RIPPLE, W.J. 2016. Hypercarnivorous apex predator could provide ecosystem services by dispersing seeds. Scientific reports, 6, 19647. Abstract: Large “hypercarnivorous” felids are recognized for their role as apex predators...
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Barn swallows keep expanding their breeding range in South America

Cita: GRANDE, J.M., SANTILLÁN, M.A., OROZCO-VALOR, P.M., LIÉBANA, M.S., REYES, M.M., GALMES, M.A. and CEREGHETI, J. Barn Swallows keep expanding their breeding range in South America. Emu – Austral Ornithology 115: 256–260 Abstract: Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) breeding in...

Nest spacing, not human presence, influences the breeding of Chimango Caracaras in a peri-urban reserve

SOLARO, C. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2015. Nest spacing, not human presence, influences the breeding of Chimango Caracaras in a peri-urban reserve. Emu 115(1): 72-75. Abstract: Natural environments have been greatly transformed by human populations and activities and the responses of...

New hosts for the mite Ornithonyssus bursa in Argentina

SANTILLÁN, M.A., GRANDE, J.M., LIÉBANA, M.S., MARTÍNEZ, P., DÍAZ, L.A., BRAGAGNOLO, L.A., SOLARO, C., GALMES, M.A. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2015. New hosts for the mite Ornithonyssus bursa in Argentina. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 29(4):439-443. doi: 10.1111/mve.12129...

Predation on Philodryas patagoniensis (Squamata, Colubridae) by Falco femoralis (Aves, Falconiformes, Falconidae) in central Argentina

LIÉBANA, M.S., SANTILLÁN, M.A., MALLET, J. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2015. Predation on Philodryas patagoniensis (Squamata, Colubridae) by Falco femoralis (Aves, Falconiformes, Falconidae) in central Argentina. Herpetology Notes 8: 411-412. Abstract: The Patagonia Green Racer...


A book review of «Neotropical Birds of Prey: Biology and Ecology of a Forest Raptor Community»

SARASOLA, J.H. 2014. A book review of «Neotropical Birds of Prey: Biology and Ecology of a Forest Raptor Community». By WHITACRE, D.F. (ed.). Ibis 156: 257.

Taphonomic analysis of rodent bone accumulations produced by White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus, Accipitriformes) in Central Argentina

MONTALVO, C.I., FERNANDEZ, F.J., SANTILLÁN, M.A., LIÉBANA, M.S. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2014. Taphonomic analysis of rodent bone accumulations produced by White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus, Accipitriformes) in Central Argentina. Journal of Archaeological Science 52:354-362...

Spatial and temporal variations in the feeding ecology of the Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium brasilianum) in semiarid forest of central Argentina

SARASOLA, J.H. and SANTILLÁN, M.A. 2014. Spatial and temporal variations in the feeding ecology of the Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium brasilianum) in semiarid forest of central Argentina. Journal of Arid Environments 109: 39-43. Abstract: Forested landscapes vary greatly in...
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Registros de nidadas de cinco huevos y cinco pichones para el Coludito copetón (Leptasthenura platensis) en cajas nido, en la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina.

Cita: REBOLLO, M.E., BRAGAGNOLO, L.A., SANTILLÁN, M.A., LÓPEZ, F.G., OROZCO, P.M and REYES, M.M. 2013. Registros de nidadas de cinco huevos y cinco pichones para el Coludito copetón (Leptasthenura platensis) en cajas nido, en la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Nuestras Aves 58:...

Breeding season habitat selection by Ferruginous Pygmy Owl Glaucidium brasilianum in central Argentina

CAMPIONI, L., SARASOLA, J.H., SANTILLÁN, M.A., & REYES, M.M. 2013. Breeding season habitat selection by Ferruginous Pygmy Owl Glaucidium brasilianum in central Argentina. Bird Study 60 (1): 35-43. Abstract: The presence of Ferruginous Pygmy Owls Glaucidium brasilianum...

Nest-box occupancy by Neotropical raptors in a native forest of central Argentina

LIÉBANA, M.S., SARASOLA, J.H. & SANTILLÁN, M.A. 2013. Nest-box occupancy by Neotropical raptors in a native forest of central Argentina. Journal of Raptor Research 47(2):208-213 Abstract: Breeding populations of raptors are sometimes limited by nest-site availability and the...
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First observation of infanticide and cannibalism in nest of Chimango caracara (Milvago chimango)

SOLARO, C. and SARASOLA, J.H. 2012. First observation of infanticide and cannibalism in nest of Chimango caracara (Milvago chimango). Journal of Raptor Research 46 (4):412-413. Abstract: Infanticide and cannibalism are behaviors exhibited between individuals of the same species....

Cross-species amplification of seventeen polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered crowned eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus)

SARASOLA, J.H., CANAL, D., SOLARO, C., ZANON-MARTINEZ, J.I., GALMES, M.A. and NEGRO, J.J. 2012. Cross-species amplification of seventeen polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered crowned eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus). Molecular Ecology Resources 12 (4):779-781.

Colonizing the world in spite of reduced MHC variation.

GANGOSO, L., M. ALCAIDE, J. M. GRANDE, J. MUÑOZ, S. L. TALBOT, S. A. SONSTHAGEN, G. K. SAGE & J. FIGUEROLA. 2012. Journal of Evolutionary Biology – doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02529.x.

The ecological role of native and introduced species in the diet of the puma Puma concolor in southern Patagonia.

ZANON-MARTINEZ, J. I., TRAVAINI, A., ZAPATA, S., PROCOPIO, D. E. & SANTILLAN, M. A. 2012. Oryx 46:106-111. » Descargar PDF

Diet Of The Red-Backed Hawk (Buteo Polyosoma) In Two Environmentally Contrasting Areas Of Patagonia.

SANTILLAN, M. A. & ZAPATA, S. 2012. Studies On Neotropical Fauna And Environment 47:25-32. » Descargar PDF

Colonizing the world in spite of reduced MHC variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology

GANGOSO, L., M. ALCAIDE, J. M. GRANDE, J. MUÑOZ, S. L. TALBOT, S. A. SONSTHAGEN, G. K. SAGE & J. FIGUEROLA. 2012. Colonizing the world in spite of reduced MHC variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02529.x.

The ecological role of native and introduced species in the diet of the puma Puma concolor in southern Patagonia.

ZANON-MARTINEZ, J. I., TRAVAINI, A., ZAPATA, S., PROCOPIO, D. E. & SANTILLAN, M. A. 2012. Oryx 46:106-111. TRAVAINI, A. » Descargar PDF
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Not as similar as thought: sexual dichromatism in Chimango caracaras is expressed in the exposed skin but not in the plumage.

SARASOLA, J.H., NEGRO, J.J., BECHARD, M.J. and LANUSSE, A. 2011. Not as similar as thought: sexual dichromatism in Chimango caracaras is expressed in the exposed skin but not in the plumage. Journal of Ornithology 152:473-479. Abstract: Many of the mechanisms involved in visual...

Reduced MHC and neutral variation in the Galápagos hawk, an island endemic.

BOLLMER, J. L., HULL, J.M., J. M. ERNEST, J.M, SARASOLA, J.H. & PARKER, P.G. 2011. Reduced MHC and neutral variation in the Galápagos hawk, an island endemic. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:143-154. Abstract: Genes at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are known for high...

Apparent selective advantage of leucism in a coastal population of Southern caracaras (Falconidae).


Ectoparasites in free-ranging American Kestrels in Argentina: Implications for the transmission of viral diseases.

LIEBANA, M. S., SANTILLAN, M.A., CICCHINO, A., SARASOLA, J.H., MARTINEZ, P., CABEZAS, S. & BO, S. 2011. Ectoparasites in free-ranging American Kestrels in Argentina: Implications for the transmission of viral diseases. Journal of Raptor Research 45:335-341. Abstract: We...
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Crowned eagles rarely prey on livestock in central Argentina: persecution is not justified.

SARASOLA, J. H., SANTILLAN, M.A. & GALMES, M.A. 2010. Crowned eagles rarely prey on livestock in central Argentina: persecution is not justified. Endangered Species Research 13:207-213. Abstract:  Raptors have been reported to prey on livestock, causing considerable conflicts...

Communal roosting behavior and winter diet of the White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) in an agricultural habitat on the Argentine pampas.

SARASOLA, J.H., C. SOLARO, M. A. SANTILLÁN & M.A. GALMES. 2010. Communal roosting behavior and winter diet of the White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) in an agricultural habitat on the Argentine pampas. Journal of Raptor Research 13:207-213. Abstract: Although the White-tailed...

Antioxidant machinery differs between melanic and light nestlings of two polymorphic raptors.


Prevalence of neutralizing antibodies to West Nile virus in Eleonora’s falcons in the Canary Islands.

GANGOSO, L., J. M. GRANDE, F. LLORENTE, M. A. JIMENEZ-CLAVERO, J. M. PEREZ & J. FIGUEROLA. 2010. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46:1321-1324. » Descargar PDF

Dieta del halcón peregrino (Falco peregrinus) en la Ría Deseado, patagonia austral Argentina.

SANTILLAN, M. A., TRAVAINI, A. & J. FERNANDEZ. 2010. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 16:1-8. » Descargar PDF
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Presence of cimicid bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) on a Crowned Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) nestling.

SANTILLAN, M. A., D. CARPINTERO, M. A. GALMES & J. H. SARASOLA. 2009. Journal of Raptor Research 43:255-256. » Descargar PDF

Parental care and behavior of American Kestrels, Falco sparverius, breeding at semiarid forest of central Argentina.

LIEBANA, M. S., J. H. SARASOLA & M. S. BO. 2009. Journal of Raptor Research 43:338-344. » Descargar PDF

Molecular and morphological divergence in a pair of closely related birds and their ectoparasites.

HITEMAN, N. K., V. S. DOSANJH, R. L. PALMA, J. M. HULL, R. T. KIMBALL, P. SÁNCHEZ, J. H. SARASOLA & P. G. PARKER. 2009. Journal of Parasitology 95:1372-1382.


Ear tufts in Ferruginous Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium brasilianum) as alarm response.

SANTILLAN, M. A., J. H. SARASOLA & M. DOLSAN. 2008. Journal of Raptor Research 42:153-155. » Descargar PDF

Can a «wintering area effect» explain population status of Swainson’s hawks?

SARASOLA, J. H., J. J. NEGRO, K. A. HOBSON, G. R. BORTOLOTTI & K. BILDSTEIN. 2008. A stable isotope approach. Diversity & Distributions 14:686-691. » Descargar PDF

Where do Swainson’s hawks winter? Satellite images used to identify potential habitat.

SARASOLA, J. H., J. BUSTAMANTE, J. J. NEGRO & A. TRAVAINI. 2008. Diversity & Distributions 14:742-753. » Descargar PDF

Land-use changes may explain the recent range expansion of the Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus in southern Europe.

BALBONTIN, J. H., J. J. NEGRO, J. H. SARASOLA, J. J. FERRERO & D. RIVERA. 2008. Ibis 150:707-716. » Descargar PDF


Comparison of food habits and prey selection of the white-tailed kite, Elanus leucurus, between natural and disturbed areas in central Argentina.

SARASOLA, J. H., SANTILLÁN, M. A. & GALMES, M. A. 2007. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 42:85-91. » Descargar PDF

Ecología y conservación del aguilucho langostero (Buteo swainsoni) en Argentina.

SARASOLA, J. H., SANTILLÁN, M. A. & GALMES, M. A. 2007. Hornero 22:173-184. » Descargar PDF

Deceptive plumage signals in birds: manipulation of predators or prey?

NEGRO, J. J., G. R. BORTOLOTTI & J. H. SARASOLA. 2007. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90:467-477. » Descargar PDF


Risk of feather damage explain fault bar occurrence in a migrant hawk, the Swainson’s hawk Buteo swainsoni

SARASOLA, J.H. & R. JOVANI. 2006. Risk of feather damage explain fault bar occurrence in a migrant hawk, the Swainson’s hawk Buteo swainsoni. Journal of Avian Biology 37: 29-35. Abstract: Fault bars are common stress-induced feather abnormalities that could produce...

Function and occurrence of facial flushing in birds

NEGRO, J.J., J.H. SARASOLA, F. FARIÑAS & I. ZORILLA. 2006. Function and occurrence of facial flushing in birds. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part A 143 (1): 78-84. Elsevier Abstract: So far overlooked as a pigment involved in visual communication, the haemoglobin...

Phylogeography of the Galápagos hawk: a recent arrival to the Galápagos Islands

BOLLMER, J., R. T. KIMBALL, N. K. WHITEMAN, J.H. SARASOLA & P.G. PARKER. 2006. Phylogeography of the Galápagos hawk: a recent arrival to the Galápagos Islands. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 39(1): 237-247. Abstract: Galápagos hawks (Buteo galapagoensis) are one of the...

Role of alien tree stands on current distribution and social behavior of Swainson’s hawks Buteo swainsoni in the Argentine pampas

SARASOLA, J.H. & J.J. NEGRO. 2006. Role of alien tree stands on current distribution and social behavior of Swainson’s hawks Buteo swainsoni in the Argentine pampas. Journal of Biogeography 33:1096-1101. Abstract: The Argentine Pampas was extensively and abruptly...

Past and current evidence of persecution of the endangered Crowned Eagle Harpyhaliaetus coronatus in Argentina

SARASOLA, J. H. & J. J. MACEDA. 2006. Past and current evidence of persecution of the endangered Crowned Eagle Harpyhaliaetus coronatus in Argentina. Oryx 40:347-350. Abstract: The crowned eagle Harpyhaliaetus coronatus is a large Neotropical eagle categorized as Endangered...

A re-evaluation of evidences raises questions about the fasting migration hyphotesis for Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

BECHARD, M.J., J. H. SARASOLA & WOODBRIDGE, B. 2006. A re-evaluation of evidences raises questions about the fasting migration hyphotesis for Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni). Hornero 21:65-72. Abstract: We examined the fasting migration hypothesis for Swainson’s...


Feather molt by Swainson’s hawks (Buteo swainsoni) on the austral grounds in Argentina

BECHARD, M. J. & C. S. WEIDENSAUL. 2005. Feather molt by Swainson’s hawks (Buteo swainsoni) on the austral grounds in Argentina. Ornitología Neotropical 16: 267–270. Link descarga: » PDF

Relationships between winter and spring weather and Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) reproduction in Northern Nevada

FAIRHURST, G. D. & M. J. BECHARD. 2005. Relationships between winter and spring weather and Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) reproduction in Northern Nevada. Journal of Raptor Research 39(3): 229-236. Abstract: Ecological factors, such as weather, play important roles in...

Changes in woody plant structure in fire-disturbed caldén forest of the Parque Luro Reserve, Argentina

SARASOLA, J.H., L.A. BRAGAGNOLO & R.A. SOSA. 2005. Changes in woody plant structure in fire-disturbed caldén forest of the Parque Luro Reserve, Argentina. Natural Areas Journal 25 (4): 374-380. Abstract: We analyzed differences in vertical plant structure and species...

Hailstorms as cause of mass mortality of Swainson’s hawks in their wintering grounds

SARASOLA, J.H., J.J. NEGRO, V. SALVADOR & J.J. MACEDA. 2005. Hailstorms as cause of mass mortality of Swainson’s hawks in their wintering grounds. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41(3): 643-646. Abstract: We describe a mass mortality event of wintering Swainson’s...

Habitat use and social structure of an isolated population of guanacos (Lama guanicoe) in the Monte Desert, Argentina

SOSA, R.A., & SARASOLA, J.H. 2005. Habitat use and social structure of an isolated population of guanacos (Lama guanicoe) in the Monte Desert, Argentina. European Journal of Wildlife Research 51(3):207-209. Abstract: We studied abundance, habitat use and social structure of...

Hunting success of wintering Swainson’s hawks: environmental effects on timing and choice of foraging method

SARASOLA, J.H. & J.J. NEGRO. 2005. Hunting success of wintering Swainson’s hawks: environmental effects on timing and choice of foraging method. Journal of Zoology 83: 1353-1359. Abstract: We examined the predatory behavior of Swainson’s hawks (Buteo swainsoni...


Gender identification in the Swainson’s Hawk Buteo swainsoni using molecular procedures and discriminant function analysis.

SARASOLA, J.H. & J.J. NEGRO. 2004. Gender identification in the Swainson’s Hawk Buteo swainsoni using molecular procedures and discriminant function analysis. Journal of Raptor Research 38(4):357-361. Link descarga: » PDF  

Morphometric measures of male and female Spot-winged falconet Spiziapteryx circumcinctus sexed using PCR amplification methods

BECHARD, M.J., J.H. SARASOLA & A.J. HELBIG. 2004. Morphometric measures of male and female Spot-winged falconet Spiziapteryx circumcinctus sexed using PCR amplification methods. In Raptors Worldwide [R. D. Chancellor and B. U. Meyburg, eds.] World Working Group on Birds of...

Do Eurasian Hobbies (Falco subbuteo) have «false eyes» on the nape?

NEGRO, J.J., J.M. GRANDE & J.H. SARASOLA. 2004. Do Eurasian Hobbies (Falco subbuteo) have «false eyes» on the nape? Journal of Raptor Research 38(3): 287-288. Abstract: We propose that the two whitish or creamy-colored spots on the nape of the Eurasian Hobby (Falc...

Primera cita del Burlisto Chico (Contopus cinereus cinereus) para las provincias de La Pampa y Buenos Aires, Argentina (Aves, Tyrannidae)

MACEDA, J.J., P. TEJERINA, A.R. CAMPERI & C.A. DARRIEU. 2004. Primera cita del Burlisto Chico (Contopus cinereus cinereus) para las provincias de La Pampa y Buenos Aires, Argentina (Aves, Tyrannidae). Physis (Buenos Aires) Sec. C 60 (138-139): 41-42. Link descarga: » PDF

Nutritional condition and serum biochemistry for free-living Swainson’s Hawks wintering in Central Argentina.

SARASOLA, J.H., J.J. NEGRO & A. TRAVAINI. 2004. Nutritional condition and serum biochemistry for free-living Swainson’s Hawks wintering in Central Argentina. Journal of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 137(4):697-701.  Abstract: We assessed the nutritional...


Food habits and foraging ecology of American Kestrels in the semiarid forests of Central Argentina.

SARASOLA, J.H., M.A. SANTILLAN & M.A. GALMES. 2003. Food habits and foraging ecology of American Kestrels in the semiarid forests of Central Argentina. Journal of Raptor Research 37(3):236-243. Abstract: The annual diet of the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) was studied...

Presas consumidas por el Águila Coronada (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) en el límite sur de su rango de distribución en Argentina

MACEDA, J.J., J.H. SARASOLA & M. PESSINO. 2003. Prey consumed by the Crowned Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) in the southern limit of its range in Central Argentina. Ornitología Neotropical 14:419-422. Link descarga: » PDF



Lista de las aves de la Reserva Parque Luro, La Pampa.

MACEDA, J.J., M.I. MERO, H. RIESCO & M. DOLSAN. 2001. Lista de las Aves de la Reserva Parque Luro, La Pampa. Rev. Fac. Agronomía- UNLPam Vol 12 (2): 47-59. ISSN 0326-6184 Abstract: Se realizó un relevamiento de las aves de la reserva Provincial Parque Luro (La Pampa,...

Lista de las aves de la Facultad de Agronomía de Santa Rosa (La Pampa) y sus alrededores.

MACEDA, J.J. & M.S. KIN. 2001. Lista de las aves de la Facultad de Agronomía de Santa Rosa (La Pampa) y sus alrededores. Rev. Fac. Agronomía UNLPam 12: 21-30. ISSN 0326-6184. Abstract: Este trabajo es el resultado de un relevamiento de las aves de la Facultad de Agronomía de...

Dieta del Aguilucho Langostero (Buteo swainsoni) en su área de invernada (La Pampa, Argentina).

CANAVELLI S.B., J.J. MACEDA & A.C. BOSISIO. 2001. Dieta del Aguilucho Langostero (Buteo swainsoni) en su área de invernada (La Pampa, Argentina). Hornero 16(2): 89-92. Abstract: Se describe la composición relativa de la dieta del Aguilucho Langostero (Buteo swainsoni) sobre...

Respuesta a largo plazo del puma (Puma concolor) a una declinación poblacional de la vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) en el desierto del Monte, Argentina.

PESSINO, M., J.H. SARASOLA, C. WANDER & N. BESOKI. 2001. Respuesta a largo plazo del puma (Puma concolor) a una declinación poblacional de la vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) en el desierto del Monte, Argentina. Ecología Austral 11:61-67. Asociación Argentina de Ecología....


A case of nest predation on Turkey vulture nesting in Argentina

SARASOLA, J.H., SOSA, R.A. & MACEDA, J.J. 2000. A case of nest predation on Turkey vulture nesting in Argentina. Journal of Raptor Research 34(1): 60. Link descarga: » PDF
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Post-migration weight gain of Swainson’s hawk on the wintering grounds in Argentina

GOLDSTEIN, M.I., P.H. BLOOM, J.H. SARASOLA & T. E. LACHER. 1999. Post-migration weight gain of Swainson’s hawk on the wintering grounds in Argentina. Wilson Bulletin 111(3): 428-432. Abstract: Swainson’ s Hawks (Buteo swainsoni; Aguilucho Langostero) were captured and...
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